Well, I am back where I started two years ago. It was a strange and wild voyage, and it feels surreal to be back. Now, is this end of traveling and rambling, slow trickling and dreamstorming? No!

I am making LA my home base, but I am going to take my time about it. I am 100% committed to spending the winter working somewhere snowy and learning how to ski. So I think I will be heading out north in a month or so, to visit friends and family, and then making my way for a nice cold winter.
2012 shall see myself exploding onto the history books of time. There are many thoughts marinating in my mind, and I am confident that Los Angeles is the proper platform and medium upon which to breathe life into these dreamstorms of mine.

delicious. It was a treat to be visitors back in a land which was completely immersed in a different season.

We took the old Rte 66 for a bit, and came across these series of signs which had some sort of lymric style poem about not drinking and speeding while driving. Turns out they were a slice of Americana, as they were throw backs to the old Burma Shave ads:

I may write again on this blog, and I may not. I will have to see how it all shakes out. Perhaps a new blog will best suite a new chapter, but who knows.
I am appreciative of all the love and support I see in my life, and I am super excited to continue to grow in the community of awesomeness which surrounds me.
What is wrong with right now? Nothing! Everything will always be as it should, so quit fucking worrying! Thank you! Hello!

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