Section 1 (2mins): Who I am!
Section 2:
- Part A (2mins): Strengths/Weaknesses and what it will mean to the trip.
- Part B (1min): What I am hoping to get out of the trip.
I did this all in one take--I practiced a few times in the house with the stop watch and camera, but what was spoken was off the top of the head.
I feel good about it, so we shall see what it all means.
CHeck out Roadtrip Nation for a taste of what this is all about--basically, interviewing those individuals who have "made it" and digging into what it took them to get there.
Awesome Elliott, you'd be an excellent candidate to inspire youngsters on a path of their lives. I hope this opportunity works out! I loved the coincidental miss on your second shot to parlay "see, a B+" into the monologue. I giggled. You're an A to me, brother. Mad respect.