I am still searching out employment, though I have some work on a farm next week, and an interview for tutoring on Monday. To fill up my free time I have been playing a lot of disc golf, hanging with the dogs, playing ultimate frisbee, and napping. I am glad that I am here, and although I have not found a new community yet, I have a good feeling about the abundance of people and possibilities that are present in this town. I am practicing patience, and attempting to be as present as possible.
Because I am gainfully UNemployed, I was able to hop a bus last week down to Mexico City--about 20 hrs each way: I road the greyhound to the border, walked across the border, and caught another bus all the way to DF. The Mexican bus lines are super comfortable and affordable. It was great seeing good friends, eating good food, hanging at old hang outs, and playing some sweet ultimate frisbee at ASF. I also attended two art shows: One, was the annual ASF art show, and I was able to give/receive tons of hugs/high-fives to former students. Two, and the impetus for my trip, was pablozeta's expo, EXPOZETA 2010, which was a blast (Click the link to check out a video of the event).
Here are some pictures from the last month:

And videos from the Blackberry:
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