Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Sweet "Choose Life" Tidbit

Went hiking today at Red Rocks, again. Aside from the great hike with the dogs, Tina, and Shaggy, the end of the trip proved fruitful, for saying yes to life:

As we approached our cars, two individuals had, what appeared to be, some sort of stick art piece, sticking out of their passenger side car door. My initial thought was, "Oh, perhaps these are some members of the Wicca sect or general earth lovers, who are here to perform some sort of ancient rite." As we got closer, and as I let the tail gate down for the dogs, I realized they were attempting to open their car door, as the keys were locked inside. They had several sticks in the top of the door, creating enough space for them to slip a stick with a piece of bent wire into the crack, which they were attempting to use to push in the unlock button. They just couldent quite get the leverage. So, I skedaddled back to my 4Runner, and I knew, amongst all of my things, I had something for them. I came back with a tent pole and duct tape. The wire they had, kept slipping off the button they were trying to push, so we made a little nub of duct tape at the end of the wire, and used the tent pole to push the L-shaped prod onto the button. Danny, Tina, and I looked on from the driver's side, and gave directions on placement, while Roby and Jackie jostled and pushed from their end. And there it was, that magical electronic click of all the door's opening. We all instantly cheered, and it was a hell of a moment!

I felt good that I could look to my truck as a resource and that I was able to provide tools to help solve a situation. I was happy that we all took the time to engage with strangers (thank you Burning Man) without fear or hesitancy. It was a great ending to a great day. Just got back, and washed the dogs, and life is good.

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