My feet are filthy: The kind of grime one picks up walking flip-flopped through an urban sprawl; the kind of crushed cereal crusty one gets when walking over white washed hardwood--the same wood where dirty dogs make beds for afternoons of nothingness--this is the kind of dirt in which my sweaty feet are swimming in, and I think I am okay with it.

What of the last 15 days or so--well much has happened, and I have photos, but perhaps they shall surface another day--I am feeling verbal right now.
Well school ended for break, and it all felt quite nice. Went to get my car from To

yota. They steam cleaned my engine and cleaned it in and out--but guess what: That new battery I had put in, upon the local mechanics recommendation, that my starting problems were not my starter but in fact my battery--it was my starter. So although my car looked nice, it had to stay at the dealership. Ironically my part was in Los Angeles--home. I should get my faithful steed back sometime this week. All and all, I am thinking that everything that needs to be done, is going to be done now--because the labor costs here are fucking nothing compared to the States, and all the work from the dealership comes with that same shiny stamp of Toyota certification. All and all, I will have a completely new clutch (all parts Toyota certified), new starter, oil/filter change, front end re-greased, and a complimentary detailing in and out of my luscious beast. I am thinking it will all come in under $1000. For anyone who has gone the way of dealership repair f

or their make/model, they know that this is unheard of. The dealership is pricey--but not so bad here. Yes, more than the street mechanic on the corner, but with a shit ton more security. (Sorry for the fowl language, but it seems necessary.)
After not picking up my car, we went to Costco--we would be Pablo and I. We bought many things. Then we had a BBQ on Julia's roof. I brought my dogs and guitars. I wound up being the cultural representative for American BBQ. I made burgers with Julia. We put onion, oregano, and garlic inside, and we topped 'em off with Vermont extra sharp cheddar cheese. I fired up the coals, and ran the Q like a goddamn southern baptist revival--I was summoning all that I knew about us Gringos and how we roast animals. I had good training from my father and his world famous Dad Burgers and Chee-ken. We played some music, drank some beer, and all and all had a lo

vely time.
On Monday, Pablo let me borrow his car and I drove 45 minutes out to Toluca. I had

never been there, and I had never driven that far at night--but with Constance, my GPS sweetheart, in hand, I made it fine. I circled the airport once, parked it, and was summoned by a lovely airport attendant, who knew my name. He called out, "E-lee-oat?" I replied yes. I was the only white hippy there, and well my friend Shaun, being of similar stature and and creed, had talked to this here attendant, and well I guess he put it together that I was here for him. All and all it went very smooth. We made it back without a hitch, and went for Tacos--the beginning of a three day taco rampage.
Basically, Shaun and I developed a routine: Mornings were about coffee and the dog park; Afternoons, were about site seeing and conversation; Evenings, were about beer and ta

cos. All and all, a great system in my book. We saw Chapultepec park, and Teotihuacan. We hit the centro, the Torre Latino Americana, Belles Artes, and Lucha Libre. It was a well rounded trip. It was a vacation, instead of a guided tour, and it was great. The last night found us drinking heartily at a small Mescaleria in Roma Norte. Aside from a fine selection of Mescal, they had a sweet spread of brew. They had various styles, brands, and tastes. I purchased a few stouts, a few red ales, and a Duff. Yes that is right, Simpsons' fans, Homer's beloved Duff is made in Mexico, and it's pretty damn good. I guess, Matt Groening and FOX never slapped a copyright on that little fictional trademark.
Anywho, Shaun left yesterday. I had a solid cruda going. So when I got back I went for some breakfast with Ana and Pablo, then I came home and slept for the better part of 3 or so hours.

Today, I swept and washed. Tomorrow I will mop and spray. All and all, this vacation has been extremely relaxing, and I have a good vibe of all things before me.
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