Sunday, February 14, 2010

Welcome to Mexico

Yesterday, I met up with Muriel, a Spaniard I met on my Veracruz trip with the school, and whom I re-met in the dog park. She invited me to go hiking with her friend and her friend's daughter. We met yesterday at around 10, and we headed out.

We made our way to Los Desiertos de Leones. I have been there once before, but I went to the wrong area. Muriel knew of a hiking trail which was off the beaten path, and which lead to a little refugio where an old lady and her blind husband made food. Her wood log shanty held great smells, and her old teracatta pots were scorched with age. I had two tacos with chorizo and ongos. They were quite delactable. At some points through the woods, the wind kicked up to such a fervor, that all you could hear was the mounting rush through the leaves. Flow rolled in several mounds of horse shit, and Chops ate some. I wanted to be mad, but what for? "So you want to roll and shit and frolic? You are in a city and this is nature, and well, ok then." I gave Flow a bath upon coming home.

I got home around 4, and walked to order a pizza. I had built up this event as a scary one. I often times over analyze my cultural role as a foriegner, and well I assume, that in the non-touristy parts, they have an aversion to my bad Spanish and weird clothing. Beto's pizza, was a friendly place, and their cocinita (little piggy) pizza is amazing. I ordered a family size, which would be about a medium or large in the States. I started it last night, and finished today.

Today, I have done little, and it has felt great. I finished watching "Fargo", and I just finished watching "Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels". I talked to my mom on Skype. I took Flow to the farmer's market, and I got a whole bunch of goodness for under $10: a bundle of bananas, a head of brocoli, 4 mangos, 4 avacados, 1/2 kilo of chopped mixed veggies, 4 carrots, and a bottle of fresh squeezed mandarin juice. TASTY!

Now, after the pics upload, I am going to head to the park. Then maybe a coffee, a little supermarket action, and then home again. And then, and then, and then--well, school tomorrow.

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