2) I had my first visitor. Gloria, whom accompanied me on my first trip to DF in April, made her second voyage. She was here for five days, and lord it felt good to have an old friend, a piece of home, another person under my roof. She arrived on a mild evening and she left on the same type of day. Aside for a brief sprinkle here and there, she brought the good weather. It was my hope that she would experience the deluge of an afternoon storm, but alast it never came. What did come was good times. We spent several evenings with Pablo, Ana, and Julia. For El Grito, the big Independence Day celebration, we went to an awful bar in Colonia Juarez.
3) Sharing your artwork with friends is cool. Sharing your artwork at a high end restaurant with several couples you don't know, is a little scary. Julia designed the interior decorum of a Malayasian restaurant in Roma Norte. Gloria, Ana, Pablo, and I met her there for some drinks. Some other couples were there. Julia said I had to bring three paintings, in order to be allowed inside. Her artwork is in the main dining area--these brilliant little drawings of unusually delightful dimensions. A large gangly monkey being ridden by a tiny George Washington; a delicate Indian Palm, circled by a tiger and concealing a mischevious little monkey. All of the drawings have this ornate antique quality to them. Before my first beer was done, Julia summoned my paintings. Gloria had asked me, prior to leaving the house, "Are you nervous?" At the time, I boldly answered, "No. Not at all. I am confident in my work." Well in the restaurant, with several strangers, that shit all went out the window. I reluctantly distributed my canvases: Curtis Blow, Jen Cohen, Katie Quach, and Senorita Marcus, circulated the table. Gloria eve's dropped on the Spanish murmurings, and the report was that they dug the works...I smiled on the inside.
3) Tacos with al pastor, pineapple, salsa, cilantro, and cheese are really good; they are really good, when purchased at El Califa in La Condesa.
4)Discovering new parts of town is fun. We took a drive through Palanco and Bosque de Chapultapec. I had loose directions from a fellow teacher. I don't think I found the park he was talking about, but I did find the 2a section of Chapultapec Park, and we found
5)Korean food is damn good. The portions served here are much larger than in the states. Korean food is spicy. Korean food can really open up some new parts of your lower GI track. Korean food taught me the term "Pica y Repica": Spicy on the way in and spicy on the way out.
6)Julia is in Barcelona for a month. Julia is the first true friend I made outside of school. Julia has a Jack Russell named Lucio (or Lucious). Lucio is now apart of my pack for the next month. Little dogs are cool. Lucio, still has his testes. Lucio, when at a dog park, spends most of his time attempting to spread his seed with dogs far too large for him. Lucio spent the better part of 45 minutes trying to impregnate a great dane--he never made it past her elbow. For the better part of 45 minutes, I pretended that I did not know Lucio. I went to coffee afterwards with the pups. Ana held Lucio, and Flow and Chops laid down
7) I am tired. I shall end here.
Gloria! Nice