I finally slept in! I slept till 10am. It was a slightly restless sleep, b

ut on the whole a good one--I think the wine helped. Last night I went to a dinner party at my friend Katie Quach's apartment. Katie is a hip Chinese lady from San Francisco, by way of Minnesota. She made all the fixin's for a roll-you-own springroll shenanigan. They were really quite tasty. A few other teachers were there: Lindsay and her boyfriend, who currently his name escapes me; Micah and his boyfriend Daniel, who is a hairstylist and can tell you where your hair texture hails from, regionally speaking. Side note: Amidst conversations about hair and hair care came up the topic of Japanese Straightening. Apparently, all Asian women indulge in this sacred art; truth be told, most Asian women do not have naturally silky straight hair, in fact, it is wavy, and they use chemicals, but I digress, back to the people in attendance; although she is not pictured, she was there, Nancy, who is 32 but looks 23, and I have dubbed her Pants--as in Nancy Pants.
I was supposed to go hiking today with fellow teachers, but I bowed out yesterday. I realized two things: A) a 6 hour round trip, door to door, event was more than what I was prepared for or truly desiring. B) I still have school shit, shopping, and relaxing that I need to do. That being said, I have just eaten breakfast after returning from a morning walk with the dogs. On Sundays, there is a great local art show in the park, and the Paseo de le Reforma is closed off to pedestrians, cyclists, dogs, and rollerbladers (they are still alive and well down here). My hope is to eventually put my own art up in the park, but also if I could just get in with helping out, I would be stoked.
Now I sit at my computer preparing for my second adventure. I am going to take some posters, and some digital pictures to be blown up and laminated at the Copymax--assuming it is open and I can find it. My search for copy centers was fruitful the other day, but they didn't laminate, and I left without asking about enlarging some digital photos.
After a hopefully successful Copymax adventure, I am going to saddle up in the 4Runner and head to work to put some finishing touches down: a little guitar and stand for the classroom, a little poster completion, a little tidying up and then I am out. After that, I am going to head to the all mighty Walmart for some purchases: a printer, some speakers, and various groceries.
I hope to be done around 4pm. After that I intend to play guitar, paint, and enjoy my evening in quiet reverence--it is the Sabbath for Christ sake.
Yesterday I took the dogs to Parque Mexico for a couple of hours. We walked the 50min walk there, and then hung out. The dogs played with any and all dogs, and I realized they

are pretty damn well behaved, especially when I compare them to all these dogs belonging to these rich yuppie Mexicans who know nothing about dog training. All the yuppies here send their dog to be trained in the park while they are at work. The walk back was a little brutal, and because I was walking with my mentor and her friend, and we were under a crunch to get to school, I felt as if I couldn't stop. However, Chops was struggling. I think he had exhausted himself, and as soon as we hit shade he laid down. He did this a few times, and on the last block, he began to look not well to me. He was sort of loping in a gallop and it looked labored. I kept my concern to myself, and as soon as we got back, I dumped water over him and gave him a wet towel to lay on. He is fine today, but he definitely met his limit yesterday. Here is a pic of the big fella greeting two Sharpei/Pitbull pups:
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