Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Day 7: Bryan, TX: A Refuge from the Road

Well we have finally arrived, and it feels great. We are staying with two of Texas' finest transplants, Danny and Christina. They are both veterinarians and Christina is finishing her last semester at Texas A&M. We arrived last night around 7pm, and the good doctors suggested we head to the local dog park to acclimate the dogs with one another on neutral territory--brilliant. I love people that understand dog culture.

We headed over a few miles to the park, which was tucked away in thicket of swampy forest. We entered the park and there were about 50 dogs frolicking on the grounds and the man made pond. We let all four of them off, and they took off running. Chops had a nervous high pitched squeal of excitement as 4 or 5 dogs came up to sniff his situation. Flow snuck off to the perimeter to sniff; when she was greeted by a dog, I watched her promptly lay down with a strong calming signal--things seemed good.

The dogs made nice and we headed home. After a quick little household introduction we headed out to BBQ. We drove through Bryan and ended in a strip mall next to a Walgreen's. You could smell the sweet meat in the heat of the evening air. We walked in and placed our orders. I am standing in line wearing argyle socks, New Balance running shoes, a pair of patched jean shorts (jorts!), and an LA County Fire Dept. shirt. Needles to say, I stood out. In order to combat my out of towner appearance I stepped right up and ordered, "I'll have the three meat/two sides combo. I'd like Jalapeno/Cheese Sausage, Brisket and Pork Ribs, and gimme some Mac' an' Cheese and some baked beans." I was still a tourist, but I was a tourist with a mission.

We washed our hands at the sinks provided next to the soft drink machine. We slathered on the BBQ sauce and dove in. Everything was tender and melted under the slightest touch. The ribs were without a doubt the heavy favorite in my book, but nothing was bad. We grubbed, cleaned our plates, and bounced out.

Back at the house we made nice with air conditioned room. I informed the good doctors that their house smelled like curry. Apparently they hadn't noticed, but I we have deduced the new neighbors in their complex must be Indian. There are shared air ducts in this building--shared air ducts mean shared smells--curry!

In any event we had a blast hanging out. Four dogs flopping on the floor, we popped in a movie, cracked a few beers, and my eyes were feeling quite heavy. Sprawled on the floor next to the pups, I was asleep before the climax of the plotline.

Danny, Marissa, and I lived with each other many moons ago when we were just young college studs. It has been nice to reconnect--all of us on our respective paths, a little older, a little pudgier, but better, healthier, stronger, and grounded. All that aside, there is a retroactive childishness that emerges when we sit in a room with another.

I believe we are one day from the border, 3 to 4 from Mexico City.


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